Most preparation starts from training objectives. However, what's needed before worrying about taxonomy, your learning or thinking style or any tasks is to know what business result is required. If you can’t work that out, why bother? From the business outcome, think about what desired behaviours will drive the expected result. From the desired behaviour you can then, through a gap analysis, start to not only design the learning objectives but the appropriate nature and timing of reinforcing techniques to improve knowledge retention and build skills. By learning the legal standards for trainees and thinking through what you want the training to achieve allows for a better chance of determining methods to evaluate the impact of training you. It is then that the self-enrichment education teacher can design the intervention that may combine classroom training, computer based training, mentoring, projects structured for on the job training, revision and refreshers.
Train Backwards From a Real-World Opportunity
There is no such thing as tough.
There is trained and untrained.
Now, which one are you?
--Denzel Washington, Man On Fire.
Sole Proprietorship
The simplest form under which one can operate a business is the sole proprietorship, but, it is not a legal entity.
Unincorporated Association
A group of two or more persons joined by mutual consent for a common lawful purpose, whether organized for profit or not, is an unincorporated association.
App Store Review Guidelines
Reach hundreds of millions of people around the world. Building an app to show to family and friends? The App Store isn’t the best way to do that.
Re-skin Your First App
App development is expensive, but developing an app doesn’t always have to be from scratch; instead, reskin first app using inexpensive source code.
Foreign Business Visitors (B-1/WB) Are Welcome!
Non-immigrant internationals with a bona fide relationship with WHOmentorsdotcom Inc. can be invited to the USA to conduct independent research on a temporary basis. Citizens from abroad may not receive remuneration (salary/income) from a U.S. based source nor may they work to benefit any U.S. institution.
- Do not make final travel plans or buy tickets until you have a visa.
- Issuance of a visa does not guarantee entry to the United States of America.
- See the video invitation.
- Permissible Activities
Learn From A Self-Enrichment Education Teacher
Rauhmel Fox, CEO, WHOmentorsdotcom Inc., offers guided access to online courses other than those that normally lead to an occupational objective or degree and is permitted to advocate a particular position or viewpoint so long as he presents a sufficiently full and fair exposition of the pertinent facts as to permit an individual or the public to form an independent opinion or conclusion. On the other hand, the 501(c)(3) organization is not educational if its principal function is the mere presentation of unsupported opinion.
Educational relates to: 1) The instruction or training of the individual for the purpose of improving or developing his capabilities; or 2) The instruction of the public on subjects useful to the individual and beneficial to the community.
Why train With Rauhmel Fox, CEO, WHOmentorsdotcom Inc.?
"While the average full-time programming bootcamp in the US costs $11,906, bootcamp tuition can range from $9,000 to $21,000, and some coding bootcamps have deferred tuition."
Imogen Crispe, October 17, 2018,
Episodic Coder
$250 /year
- Apple Dev Team Invitation
- Unincorporated Association
- App Development with Swift
Certification Level 1 Exam
$7,750 /year
- Apple Dev Team Invitation
- Unincorporated Association
- Access to online training account
- App Development with Swift
Certification Level 1 Training - App Development with Swift
Certification Level 1 Exam
Create 501(c)(3) Org
$15,500 /year
- Incorporate in Delaware
- Register in California, etc.
- IRS Form 1023-EZ
- Apple Developer Fee Waiver
- Google For Nonprofits:
$10,000 Google Ad Grant - Qualify for Matching Gifts